I have quite a few large cymbidiums in full sun around my fountain. Its been getting pretty hot and i worry about my plants. Here are some pictures of "spots" and leaves that i'd like to get peoples thoughts on. I'm hoping that the spots are just water burn and not a virus or disease. The spots are only showing up on a few plants and arent spreading to others. THey are also only showing up on a few leaves out of the whole plant. I have been spraying my cymbs with a fungicide about once a week for a few months just as a precaution.
One of the pictures is just of how yellow the plants are getting. Its just on the leaves facing the full sun and i got a response from King of orchid growing saying "if it aint burnin it aint hurtin" and i trust him, just wondering what you guys all think. The yellow is only on the bend of the leaves too (which must be more exposed to the sun).
I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks and wont be able to watch to make sure they arent burning so i was wondering whether i should move them to more of a full morning sun spot than an all day sorta spot just as precaution
Thanks guys