My cym flowers' tips are turning redish/dry . The spike is just 1 month old so I am pretty sure is a bit early for the flowers to die. This are also the flowers in the middle of the bunch.
does anybody know what I am doing wrong??
yeah, the plant is in bud and it gets around 4h winter sun from around 10am to 2pm, it is indoors in a low table.
I notice this problem 2 days ago just after I fed it.
The flowers dont feel as if they are old and dying (dry/papery kind of feeling) but as if they are rooting (still keeps the shape).
This is the first time the cym has flower and I never had this problems with the phals.
well with cyms usually they dont like to get much sun when they are flowering, this makes the flowers look bad and sometimes look like they are dying. with the fertilizer, i usually dont fertilize when they are flowering, because most promote growth not flowers
I will restrict the sun as much as posible and stop feeding it until the flowers die.
I tend to think that not amount of food is sufficient and I may have overdone it.
thank for the advise.
good luck with you mini cyms