Do I need to re-pot?
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Old 05-14-2011, 12:25 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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Do I need to re-pot? Female


You will get as many different ways to handle your LBS as people who sign onto this thread. Beware.

The two Australian species composing this cross come from two different climates - the canaliculatum a drier clime and the madidum a wetter more humid one. Most LDS plants find a happy medium and will grow well given a few conditions:
1) Use a fast draining mix like medium fir bark and expanded perlite on a 4 to 1 basis. I sometimes add a small portion of fine bark and artificial sand in the mix too. DO NOT WATER IMMEDIATELY AFTER RE-POTTING, but wait a couple of weeks.
2) Although the species canaliculatum prefers a drier environment and can really struggle in Florida, combining it with the species madidum makes is easier to handle and the LBS can tolerate more water. Given that however, do not over water the LBS and water sparingly during the winter.
3) Re-pot when you see a new growth up about 3-4". This means the roots are about to sink into the mix and the plant will take hold faster.
4) Grow high with a good amount of sun short of burning. Hanging high in the greenhouse or handle as a cattleya works.

This is a fun hybrid to grow and bloom and when happy, can take over a lot of territory with a very showy display!

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Old 05-14-2011, 03:17 PM
Amanda L Amanda L is offline
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Paul is so right about's shipping price!! I checked how much to get their smallest bag of cym mix (7.95) and the shipping was $9.00!! I don't think I will order from them. I refuse to pay more for shipping then the product I ordered.
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Old 05-14-2011, 06:46 PM
fisher60 fisher60 is offline

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Do I need to re-pot?

I was told to just leave it alone, that the potting medium was fine. So, I will do as many of you have suggested and care for it like my other Cyms, until Novenber, then cut way back on the watering until spring. When can I expect to see a bloom spike? By the way, here's a picture of it.
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Old 05-14-2011, 07:55 PM
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Mid to late winter is when the inflorescence will most likely start to develop. Around early to mid spring is when they're most likely to bloom.
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Old 05-15-2011, 01:02 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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Do I need to re-pot? Female


It has been proven that the general initiation of cym spikes comes far sooner than everyone thought, starting in some cases as early as mid summer. In my experience with multiple cultivars of LBS, although one may not actually see the inflorescences above soil level until mid to late winter, I have found them to have initiated in early to mid fall in most cases under my conditions. A lot always depends on the climate zone in which they are grown.

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Old 05-15-2011, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Cym Ladye View Post

It has been proven that the general initiation of cym spikes comes far sooner than everyone thought, starting in some cases as early as mid summer. In my experience with multiple cultivars of LBS, although one may not actually see the inflorescences above soil level until mid to late winter, I have found them to have initiated in early to mid fall in most cases under my conditions. A lot always depends on the climate zone in which they are grown.

I see what you're saying. I didn't take what you mentioned into account. That is a good point. Maybe it can be re-worded to more accurately say, "Typically, someone would notice the first onset of an inflorescence peeking out of the potting media around mid to late winter."

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-15-2011 at 01:26 PM..
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Old 05-15-2011, 01:47 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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Do I need to re-pot? Female

Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:) View Post
Maybe it can be re-worded to more accurately say, "Typically, someone would notice the first onset of an inflorescence peeking out of the potting media around mid to late winter."
Your re-wording is perfect! Where this time initiation difference comes into play is how it relates to changing over to a lower nitrogen fertilizer, a discussion for another time on another thread, or come to think of it, we must have "been there done that" somewhere on this forum in the past.

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dirt, healthy, mix, recommend, soil, re-pot

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