I have 2 cyms that need to be re-potted. It may be too late for one. I noticed some snails and haven't done anything about it. Although it does have quite a few new growths. I've been rather lazy lately

. Any advice on getting rid of snails until I can re-pot?
What kind of potting media is best for these. My humidity runs about 45% on average, less in the winter and slightly higher in the summer around 50%. I grow under lights, but these are too tall to fit under them, so they are close to windows. The one with snails is far away from my other chids, so she is getting less light.
I will also have to divide one. It's literally bursting out of it's pot. Is three p-bulbs per pot adequate? If so, I will have about 3-4 pots of this one. I will have to find pots big enough for these, she is a monster!
These are my first cyms and I want to do this right. I love the color and shape of the flowers and want them to do well and re-bloom for me.
Thank you so bad!!