I recently got back from South Africa with a new project: a friend gave me a Cymbidium! Her husband had been the one that was the orchid addict and after he passed away his collection was badly neglected.
Obviously the climate in South Africa is a little different to the one here in UK and I'm sure the flight over has taken its toll on the poor wee plant!
The plant was big enough to be divided in two: one half has some damaged roots and seems to have suffered of some sunburn, but there is also some new growth.
I would appreciate any tips on how to care for my new orchid.
Now to the real question: What to do with the other half? A cluster of 4 back bulbs?
They have no roots, but it seems to me that some new roots are starting to push out. I was thinking of using some clonex on it to stimulate the growth. Should I leave it as a cluster or plant them separately?
Thanks for your help.