We have warmth problems in Jacksonville Florida. It really is best to study and select the right cymbidiums which do not require the cools summer nights. I help the marginal bloomers by cooling with a short mist early in the morning and late evening. My mist system is automatic so its not much trouble to select a 2 to 5 min mist time. 6 am before the sun hits and 5 in the evening is the time I use. A well drained potting media must go with the technique. Notice that I posted my potting mix in an earlier post. A time release fertilizer is also used to always have fertilizer available to the plant. If it is raining a lot I turn the mist system off and watch the resevorirs or saucers. If they over flow due to the rain - the I also fertilize with water soluable fertilizer at 125 ppm. It may seem odd to use a water resevoir but it helps the plants to also have water available at all times in hot climates. The resevoirs also keep some of the fertilizer around which would wash away without the resevoirs. This guy in Australia also uses a pan under his plants.
Cymbidium Species - Stephen Early