It is Cymbidium erythraeum. Beautiful and highly under-rated species. Smallish flowers but great fragrance and long-lasting flowers. Modest sized plants with narrow foliage.
The species has the same requirements as the 'standard' species. It is not a warm grower. It should be available in the States. Several clones have been shown in recent years. The one most people know is C. erythraeum 'Paradise'.
It's beautiful, and also an easy species to grow and bloom. Mine stays outside with two Cymbidium eburneums during the hot and humid summer in bright indirect light with day temperatures anywhere between 85 and 95 F, and it reliably sets spikes every fall. During the winter the plant is given typical cymbidium conditions (bright light, nights around 50 F, etc.). Looks like you received a very nice gift from your friend.