Help with Indoor care for Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi
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Old 11-20-2010, 08:54 PM
Syferix Syferix is offline
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Help with Indoor care for Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi
Question Help with Indoor care for Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi

On a whim today I bought this Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi. I've only had a few orchids in the past and haven't had much luck with them but this was so large and gorgeous I couldn't pass it up.

Here's what I've done so far (and I'm sure I did things wrong):

Originally I was going to divide it up as there's five nice large stalks and it was very clear by all the roots popping up out of the pot that it was in a too small pot. However, when I got it out of the pot it was EXTREMELY root bound and literally a solid mass of root with little to no soil around it.

From what I've read, I know you're not supposed to re-pot when it's flowering, but the poor thing looked so crowded, I figure I should take the risk before it chokes itself.

I did my best to detangle some of the roots and I re-potted it all together in a larger pot with some orchid potting mix I bought at the store. (the picture is before I went and got a second bag - the mix is now even with the bottom of the bulbs)

I'm going to be growing this plant indoors since I live in Chicago and we should be getting snow any day now but I've placed it next to one of the large windows in my house where it should get plenty of sun.

I wasn't quite sure how much to water it, but I gave it 4 cups of water that I mixed with the appropriate amount of this 'bloom booster' fertilizer for orchids.

My main questions now are what do I do next? How much do I water it and how often? Since I'm growing it indoors are there special things I should do? What are signs of distress and what actions should I take? The leaves are nice and green but what do I do if they turn yellow?

I'm a complete newbie with this - and maybe it'd be better under the beginner section...?
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Old 11-20-2010, 09:34 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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hi! It's lovely!
I would have recommended not repotting til spring, but it's done - I don't know if that will affect the spikes or not. I probably wouldn't divide it either, but especially not while it's blooming/in spike.

For watering I would take it to the sink, shower, or bathtub and run a good deal of water thru the pot. I imagine your indoor environment is dry - not sure how often it will need water, but it shouldn't be allowed to dry out. Keep it away from heat sources.

For now your cym should be fine in/near a window. I have had blooming cyms out of any sun for a period while they are blooming and it hasn't harmed them.
Do you have somewhere to put it outside in spring? I'm not sure how much light your window gets ... Cyms like a pretty fair amount of light to rebloom. Many (cool growers) also require a period of cool nights in late summer - fall to initiate spikes - I don't know if yours does or not.

I'm sure others will chime in - hopefully some may know whether yours needs the cool period, and some that can advise on light indoors better than I.
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Old 11-20-2010, 09:45 PM
Syferix Syferix is offline
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Help with Indoor care for Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi

Thanks for your reply!

I know I should have waited on repotting, but the roots were growing out and over the pot and I worried about it. Some of the other plants at the store that were also crowded seemed to not be doing so well... There was also barely any soil or mix around the roots...

I do have a patio I can put it outside once spring rolls around (probably april @_@). Cool nights in late summer or fall shouldn't be a problem around here!
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Old 11-20-2010, 10:27 PM
WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit is offline
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Originally Posted by Syferix View Post
Thanks for your reply!

I know I should have waited on repotting, but the roots were growing out and over the pot and I worried about it. Some of the other plants at the store that were also crowded seemed to not be doing so well... There was also barely any soil or mix around the roots...

I do have a patio I can put it outside once spring rolls around (probably april @_@). Cool nights in late summer or fall shouldn't be a problem around here!
sounds like a good plan! most people put them out after threat of frost has passed, and bring them back in just before threat of frost.
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:13 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I'm still learning about Cyms (my avatar is only the second one I've bought) but I think it will be fine inside while flowering/over the winter. I put mine first one out once the frosts had stopped, then moved it in before it was likely to frost again at the end of the year.

Cymbidiums can cope really well when really pot bound so you probably could have left it, I know when I repotted one in the summer it was just a solid mass of roots. For future reference I've been told it's best to repot from spring through to early summer when there is enough time left for it to still grow more roots before it goes cool again.

Unfortunately it's possible you will have disturbed it's flowering by repotting now, but I hope you will be OK :

I agree with WhiteRabbit on watering. Give it plenty of water but make sure it drains well afterwards so it's not left sitting in water for any length of time. Make sure after watering that the outer pot has no water standing in the bottom. It can be best to check again a few hours after watering and pour out any that has collected.

In the summer Cyms can take a lot of water and if well drained you can water almost every day or every couple of days. I had mine outside and just poored water on every morning, it ran out the bottom onto the ground so didn't stand in the water at all.

In the summer you want to water less. Try and keep an eye on when it starts to dry and water again then.
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:47 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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Help with Indoor care for Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi Female


I do not want to discourage you at this point but if you untangled most of the roots and then placed them all back into another larger pot, you will probably run into trouble.

Go VERY light on water from now on and be prepared to repot again in the spring, as I suspect you will have lost most of the roots. As soon as the blooms start to wilt, which may be sooner than later too, cut the spikes and let the plant rest with little water but good light. Shriveling of the green bulbs will also give you an indication of root loss. Do not water heavily thinking they are drying out. They are just not capable of getting water because of rotted and or damaged roots. The light watering encourages them to grow new roots.

If you would like me to personally send you a copy of the repotting procedures I give out with the annual Hands On Seminars I conduct for our local club, let me know. Another source of more detailed repotting info is from Rays Orchids who also posts on this site.

Your plant will survive but keep an eye on it.

Good luck,

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Old 11-22-2010, 05:50 PM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I would recomend you take up Cym Ladye's offer of emailing you a copy of her repotting procedures. I found them really useful when I did my first repotting.
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Old 11-30-2010, 07:17 PM
Syferix Syferix is offline
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Help with Indoor care for Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi

Thanks all of you for the wonderful advice. Despite all my mistakes, the plant seems to be doing well and is flowering beautifully.

I've been watering it sparingly, about two cups of water every four days or so. I've put a bamboo skewer in the pot to help me determine how dry it is.

Cym Ladye - If you could go ahead and send me that info, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by RosieC; 12-01-2010 at 08:29 AM..
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Old 12-01-2010, 08:29 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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Syferix, I've removed your email address from your post and I'll forward it to CymLadye. It's not a good idea to post your address publicly as spammers can get hold of it that way. Best to use the 'Personal Message' options on the forum to send personal information like that to another member.
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Old 12-01-2010, 05:12 PM
Cym Ladye Cym Ladye is offline
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Help with Indoor care for Cymbidium Peachlet Boudi Female


I have sent you the instructions and hope they will be of use to you. What part of the US do you live in? Also, you said the plant is "doing well and flowering beautifully" but that does not say it all for a cymbidium. What do the bulbs look like?

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growing, newbie, peachlet boudi, pot, tips, cymbidium, peachlet, boudi, care, indoor

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