I am not sure who gave me this plant but for the last couple of years it has consistently flowered around the middle of October. Lovely pink flowers with such a striking lip. Very compact growing plants and this year it has five spikes just about to open its flowers. Would anyone have a possible ID on this?
Unless someone recognises it, it may be impossible to know what it is
Have a look though this site the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, they grow more minitures and compacts than most other nurserys. Santa Barbara Orchid Estate Home Page
Even if you find something that looks alike there is no way to be sure that's what you have. There are way too many hybrids that look alike and too much variation in hybrids to be sure, and it is irresponsible to put a name on a plant without really knowing what it is.l
Last edited by ronaldhanko; 10-12-2010 at 03:48 PM..
There is certainly NO devonianum in this plant, perhaps pumilum in the background, but the plant could be anything. It carries characteristics of many crosses. It just needs to be enjoyed for what it is.
Ron, I think you meant "irresponsible" to put a name on a plant without proof and I totally agree!
I did mean that and have corrected it. I've been involved in the judging system a bit and have seen plants brought in for judging or picked for judging at shows when the judges have questioned the name on the plant, only to find when questioning the owner that someone told them what it was or they saw a picture of it somewhere. That's fine when the judges catch it, but when they don't it really screws up the judging system.
For all the replies to my post, thank you. Finally narrowed down my source of this lovely Cymbidium and it happens to be Cymbidium Touch of Class "Flamingo".