We seem to have drifted from Rosie's original question on culture, but I will close by saying that the CSA and the AOS are award granting and non-profit educational entities. Chastising them for not having "test gardens", presumably for commercial interests, seems a bit unfair.
How is it that it is of benefit to commercial interests?
Helping other hobby growers to buy plants that will grow and flower for them? By the way one of the better breeders of warm growing cymbidiums is in Bangkok Thailand. If its such a waste of time why dont they just grow vandas. Ignoring species other than the Big Standards is to ignore 95% of the genetic material for breeding. All I want to do is to be of service to other Orchid lovers. I have no commercial interest. I like to show my plants to other people but could care less wheather the plant is called better than anyone else. I certainly would not sell my soul to win an award. In fact I dont think it worth the effort to even try although AOS Judges in my society often comment that I should.