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Old 10-09-2009, 05:36 PM
smweaver smweaver is offline
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Andrew, your canaliculatum's flowers are beautiful. Now if you could just figure out a way to be a true pal and ship it over here to me. I don't think our customs people are members of any brain trust, so just write "asparagus" or the name of some other vegetable on the package and I think it's got a good chance of getting through (to be honest, you could probably write "anthrax" on the package and it still might get here). How big is the plant? Would you mind taking a picture of it some time, please?

Yeah, I think my speciosum is a pretty happy plant. And moving around a lot has been good for my biceps, I've discovered. My only worry is that it might one day topple from the back deck and crush one of my rose bushes. Very cool that you've had your plant since you were seven. That says quite a bit about your level of commitment.

You're lucky that you can grow Cym. suave like a weed. I'm very envious of that--although I'm not so sure that I'd be thrilled about having to deal with funnel-web spiders, redback spiders or the impressive variety of highly toxic snakes that your homeland is famous for (I actually like spiders and snakes, but I try to give a lot of space to the more cantankerous members of either family).

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Old 10-10-2009, 11:12 PM
bitis78 bitis78 is offline

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Aussie native Cymbids Male

Hey Steve,

Yeah, the canaliculatum is wonderful in flower. I'm a little embarrassed to post a pic of the plant - it really did look better last year. I had a massive scale attack last summer and lost quite a few chids, and the ones I didn't lose have some battle scars. Still, on the upside, I learned a great deal about pest management! lol

Nice to see you have so much faith in the good folk at US customs...hehe Unfortunately, getting it into the US is only half the battle (or maybe one tenth given how you put it). Our customs officials here are utterly draconian and if they were to intercept a protected native plant leaving the country, it mightn't look too good for me. Of course, that's assuming I'm a good enough pal to part with my only specimen of canaliculatum... HAHA

Ahh yes, our beloved native wildlife. I actually keep venomous snakes at home, and the jewels in my collection are my Southern Death Adders - beautiful things - and quite trustworthy when compared to customs officials!!! Still, I do steer clear of Taipans, Fierce Snakes and Brown Snakes - even I'm not stoo-pid enough to mess with those ones - veritable velociraptors without legs!

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Old 10-11-2009, 09:06 AM
Andrew Andrew is offline
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Aussie native Cymbids

If you're willing to go to the effort/cost of ordering from Australia, Western Orchids, Woolf Orchid Culture and Burleigh Park Orchids all have canaliculatum flasks in their catalogues.
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