I like it too Ted. Fingers crossed I get some nice forms from the selfing of this peloric form. Wonder what i'd get crossing the varigated sinense with it hahah..
I highly do not recommend canbeijing on eBay. My money was stolen, and no plants were shipped by Yija Wang. did not answer my emails either. I know that no plants were shipped as he said he would wait a few weeks... "the weather was too cold". Weeks turned into more weeks and no replies
I was not the only person to be scammed.
Last edited by smartie2000; 04-25-2010 at 07:08 PM..
Sorry to hear that happened to you. I guess I was lucky. I got all the plants I bought, though a Hemipilia turned out to be a begonia haahah... I made 4 orders.
One of my main complaints with Ebayers is rebadging. You can find the same person under many usernames that change regularly. Ebay really should be more careful with how the vete people using Ebay.
There are some good ones around though. I think that is why forums like this are good for feed back.