Hi Nancy,
There are as many ways to induce Cym BBs to sprout as there are members on this Forum but I agree with the last post in potting up the ones with the sprouts now. Place them in a 3" or 4" pot, being sure the base of the new growth is covered at least 1/4" to 1/2" with your orchid mix.
You can handle the ones that have not sprouted in the same manner as the sprouted ones or place them upright in a quart Zip Lok freezer bag with a large handful of moistened mix. One third of the bulb should be buried in the mix in both cases. Then seal the bag and place in a warm, well lit place but not in direct sun. I put mine into pots when the sprouts reach the top of the bag.
BTW, place a label in each pot to identify the bulb or write the name on the bags. If they sprout and are eventually potted up, then a tag can me made out. Even if you do not have the real name, put some kind of identification on them so that you will know what they are and can perhaps exchange a couple for some others in due time.
Good Luck,