Hell Ky...
In the first picture it looks like you have a bit of scale on the leaf. I would treat this with either a fine spray of rubbing alcohol or one of the various insecticide sprays that are available on the market (I usually use Bayer brand sprays, but there are many). Are the "spots" on the surface of the leaves as well, or only on the bottom?
The "cocoon" I would simply scrape off and dispose of; alternatively, you may spray this with insecticide as well.
As for bud drop, what is your night time temperature like where the cymbidiums are at? If temps are above 55F or so overnight, you will often see bud loss at the tips of cymbidium spikes; open flowers will be "unaffected" (though they will not last as long as they would given cool night temps); developing buds will often be shed.
Note: this does not hold for all cymbidiums, as a general rule, only for those which are considered standards...
Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, please share them with us