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Jack Zhu, who has many AOS awards on his Chinese Cyms, uses a mix that contains kanuma, akadama, pumice, and small bark (Kiwi or Orchiata - hard, high quality) in equal proportions. He uses a top dressing of kanuma which looks nice, and also changes color with moisture content - when very light tan, it is time to water again. The tall form pots also are very helpful, these Cyms, especially, seem to like to be able to grow their roots straight down, and the tall narrow pots also let one have larger surface area for the plants to grow, while adding less volume. (I use the larger sizes of that pot style for the smaller regular Cyms for that reason)
Kanuma and akadama are easily obtained on Amazon, I am sure that equivalent online sources in China would have them too. Same for the Asian Cymbidium tall-form pots.
Last edited by Roberta; 10-24-2024 at 02:46 PM..