Hi, I am a novice grower of Asian cymbidiums in Southern California. I have had many issues with root rots like you and I am still searching a solution to minimize this issue. As I understand, Ensifolium or other types of orchids like Kanran, Sinense, or Goeringii cymbidiums, they are very sensitive to potting mix and water cycle. They like moist around their roots, but not wet for so long. I see you watered your cymbidium
at night during Summer which is good. In the Winter, you have to cut down watering and only water in early morning. Potting mix should NOT be majority of bark, since bark retains water too long and when it is decomposed, it causes the pH level higher. I talked to an advanced grower of Goeringii before, he told me the inorganic substances should be best for Asian cymbidiums. It should contain pumice, Japanese Akadama, Kanuma, and Satsuma soil. The mixture of these are not listed anywhere. It is unknown.