My Cymbidium started 4 new growths. I was sad to find that 2 of them are rotting this morning. Both of them had black spots on the underside of the base of the growth. The smaller one looked like something had chewed it, the larger one was so far gone I couldn’t really tell.
I’m not sure if it was a pest, although I have about 30 other orchids outside and none of the others seem to show signs of being chewed on.
It’s been raining almost everyday for 2 weeks and SUPER humid, even for my area. It’s been pretty stagnant with very little wind. Right now it’s 90 F and about 80% RH.
Anyway, I cut away all the rot, spot treated with Physan 20 and cinnamon, and added lava rocks to the bottom of the pot to raise the base of the plant high above the rim for more airflow.
I’m not too hopeful either growth will make it. Should I water with Physan the next time I water? I also had my Phal Gigantea show a small wet looking spot on the new leaf, which makes me think it is probably the recent weather conditions that is causing the issues.
The roots look pretty good and hopefully the next 2 growths make it.