Cymbidium goeringii "kourin"
Cymbidium goeringii "Kourin"
This is a rescue plant I received 3-4 years ago. The plant came with only 3 leaves due to shipping damages. I rescued in 1 season and started to bloom last year. Last year produced 1 flower and this year also produced 1 flower. C. goeingii is a seasonal grower, so the requirements change according to the seasons. There is a specific culture requirement for each season, so the culture requirements are changed every 3 months.
Potted in Traditional Japanese East Asian Cymbidium Mix. This is the brief cultural requirements for people who are interested in this:
Light: 50%-90% depending on the season
Watering interval: once every 6 days to once every 14 days depending on the season
Temperature requirements:
Spring and Fall: intermediate range, 13C-17C (average 15C will do)
Summer: warm range 25C-30C
Winter: cold range 0C-10C (must stay within this range so the buds can develop and bloom).
Humidity: 50%-70% at all times
Grown outdoor from early May to early November
Grown indoor in Flora Peculia's basement C. goeringii room from early November to end of April.
Photo is taken by Flora Peculia.
The flower stem of this classic Japanese variety/clone is known not elongate well. Next year, I'm going to try the flower stem elongation technique during the budding season so the flower stem can grow taller.