Roberta |
01-20-2022 09:13 PM |
It is the species L anceps. Cultivar is 'Royal Flush Deja Vu' - or possibly a cross of two cultivars, 'Royal Flush' x 'Deja Vu', both of them well-known cultivars. But it is still the species - a cross of two select plants of the species. (This is "line breeding" - selecting excellent cultivars of a species, crossing them to improve - from a human standpoint - some characteristics within the species) I'm a bit of a species purist... some line-bred species have been "improved" to the point that a pollinator in the wild would not recognize them. But still, technically the species. (Note that the species name "anceps" is in lower case, hybrids names are upper case, a way of telling the difference in a name, if it is correctly written)