Well, it sat there all winter. I put it right against the window of the sunroom, so it got morning sun. I know the parts of Mexico where it originates might get a little dew in winter, so I watered it about once a week.
It began making a new growth about a week ago, much later than its relatives in my collection, the Catasetinae.
It's still in the original 2" pot. I have been wondering how to pot it. When I searched on Cyrtopodium I found this thread from member Lupus, who put an imported Cyrtopodium into a PET bottle:
Catasetum Brazil-Import
So I'm going to do that.
IOSPE says some taxonomists consider this to be Cyrtopodium punctatum. Others think it should be separate because there are protuberances at the lip margin on macrobulbon.
I repotted it. The bottom layer is Eco-Web. The top layer is bagged potting soil from a hydroponics shop. It's fairly light, and better quality than what I can buy at big box stores.