I'm into my second year of cym growing in the tropics.
Originally, I was planning to just grow them for their leaves ----- as the ones that I bought are (I think) supposed to be temperate/cold climate ones --- or supposed to require some particular long duration of cold temperatures during winter ------ which we do not get in my region.
But - interestingly - and to my surprise, both of my Cym. Barrita Princess 'Princess' plants (in separate pots) developed flower spikes ----- seen in
this link here.
And the buds are now fully exposed and outside of their covering ------ and things are currently looking promising for progressing to flower opening stage. But I think I will later spray lightly the stem and buds with carbaryl or something ----- to keep dendrobium beetles from spoiling things.
It looks like some 'cold climate' cyms might be be 'hot cyms' too. It probably depends on whether some of those temperate climate cyms have been tested or not.
If the Barrita Princess 'Princess' makes it to flowering this season, then I can see what happens next year too.