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View Poll Results: What is your favorite orchid alliance? (According to how OB has them divided)
Bulbophyllum Alliance
3 |
2.13% |
Catasetum and Stanhopea Alliance
7 |
4.96% |
Cattleya Alliance
cbuchman, chidlove, daffodill12, dounoharm, DTEguy, EAL, flhiker, GreenHill, InspirChid1712, isurus79, JC Espinosa, kwarren, kylerkcase, Margotceleste, mraja, Oscarman, PandoraAnesidor, PaphMadMan, Sommeil, Stray59, WaterWitchin, withoutid
22 |
15.60% |
Coelogyne Alliance
2 |
1.42% |
Cypripedium Alliance - Paphiopedilum
10 |
7.09% |
Cypripedium Alliance - others
3 |
2.13% |
Cymbidium Alliance
3 |
2.13% |
Dendrobium Alliance
Calbears, dillon beaudry, GenevaDad, JKeys, Juan Porras, Micro, Orchids4ever, OrchidSeer, Pegleg, sailortom2, Shaiya, Silje, veekay, violetta
14 |
9.93% |
Maxillaria Alliance
2 |
1.42% |
Oncidium/Odontoglossum Alliance
801229001, Arenalbotanicalgarden, birdybrain, Cosmo Topper, Cowluver53, IncurablePlantHead, intergeneric, jaut, kevin1217, MrsSky, Mztrjoe, Peter1952, plantaholic, stoots, terracotta7
15 |
10.64% |
Phalaenopsis Alliance
AKMK, aleksanne, amphirion, Apostle3, Bill IN, boisemomma, Call_Me_Bob, Dutzy, elfsbeard, escualida, FairyInTheFlowers, jai_star, Jayfar, lepetitmartien, LuvPhals, mink, Orchidreamer, PaxTea, Puppenelke, sthh, SusieQ, sweetjblue, Tez, tunman
24 |
17.02% |
Pleurothallis Alliance
7 |
4.96% |
Vanda Alliance - Neofinetia
5 |
3.55% |
Vanda Alliance - Angraecum/Aerangis
6 |
4.26% |
Vanda Alliance - others
10 |
7.09% |
Miscellaneous & Other Genera
8 |
5.67% |
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