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View Poll Results: How many orchids are in your collection right now?
Less than 10
aramina12, babydom, bballr4567, Bulbopedilum, butterfly_muse, Canadian Girl, Cattgirl, cymbidium7, ddalhover, denite25, DTEguy, epiphyte0, estherlsf, fishyphil, gardengirl13, Gary Johnson, GenevaDad, GreenGirl, Hultaren, hyprgrl79, iammadeofdreams, james&cher, Joy_of_books, Katsols, KristenJ, kylerkcase, LavendarSunset, Lexyfly, LouieP, lusenok, LuvPhals, lvanderb, Micro, mommalisa924, Monkey, moonshadow, Mountain Lady, My Green Pets, NatalieS, Olivia, orchid623, Orchidlvr2012, Overplugged, paamul, pajaro, Phal Gal, Prairie Girl, Purple_phal_gal13, RebeccaBC, Rickg1, rosslyn1037, rwiskavitch, Saldalilover, santiago, seaj, shinv, shortstubz, Sommeil, SueinNC, SydneyH, The Orchid Boy, TheJadeOrchid, thorsma, Tomasito, turtleamy, UserName, Winged, withoutid
68 |
20.54% |
Aiden B, Ajtorresp, albacornelia, Alexmou, AnaLuisM, aqualady, bethmarie, carol57, Cattleya17, champsMom, chilipepper, Daenerys, danjdob, DAve Terwilliger, DebbieW, denvervet, Eahonn, gamistriotis, greenishthumb2010, HeatherFeather, ixris, jdhall, jmarr, kalanchoe, karrib, kkdcalgary, Moirae, NeoOrchid, oaklandcymbidiums, orchid-eric, plantaholic, PoeticFlames, realjunglekat, RGonzalez, scubydoo, sithwitch, tawnimartin, tdeprat, Tetouan, The Mutant, TinyBud, Venessa, Vonnie, Wild Orchid
44 |
13.29% |
adam123, Adrianna, ajintboo, Allycatz, awest, Barbie_J, boisemomma, Carpe Diem, chewie, crncob, Daniel Herrera, doingitinc., dougbraz, eak435s, escualida, GardenTheater, grasshopper, Greenthumb.5, Hedge, JDawggie, Jiml1029, jkrobins, jkrobins2, JungleMel, kevin1217, lornaheath, Marty, merytt, Mimia, mstribling, Neferet, NewBloom, oncewicked, OOAJ,, pasojanice, petdocchild, puddy1, salamandra, signaturewhite, sistercja, sucuz, tessa111, thegreenpanda, theroc1217, Triffid, Tsuchibuta, Vanda lover, VreauSaStiu, weederwoman
50 |
15.11% |
Bill IN, bioramani, Blueberry, bluestones, catasetum-ian, chidlove, dendro king, dshallpost, ELORCHID, FSUOrchids, Gage, Heron Wing, InspirChid1712, JaneEyre, jrodpad, Keith Briscoe, kelbel2185, Kostas, Laura53, Leafmite, leslee, Lordoftheswarms, lotis146, Luis888, magicatt, Mira-Claude, Nico, Sharry, stoots, tbadams, WaterWitchin, wilbur young, YAgo
33 |
9.97% |
ab61, amphirion, Anisa, BlessedAmbrosian, Connie Star, DavidCampen, Discus, FairyInTheFlowers, Franco24, ginnibug, Jayfar, kaarthiik, keithrs, kp53, LoosePopcorn, lycaonpictus, Medelia, nightsong, penntenn, Phalguy, quiltergal, Ras Todd, Rico13, Rinzo, RJSquirrel, sailortom2, Shirley, TheOrchidDoctor, TOMMYMIAMI, tucker85
30 |
9.06% |
b amateur, Bob c, cbuchman, floradude, keonee, nenella, NYCorchidman, Paul Hodkin, Paul Mc, phearamedusa, pleuro3, raindeepak4u, Roly0217, RosieC, stmard, Val, WhiteRabbit, zxyqu
18 |
5.44% |
1joyceh, Bird Song Farm, CaptL, Daethen, Eddie Oates, hamizao, Hollowpoint, iburntrees3o5, jim blanford, johnny cheah, jrhennek, katied, kwarren, Lagoon, Merlyn, Miguel Pandini, Orchid Red, Orchids4ever, pandakitti, peeper, Phylite, PrincessFiona, ramp, rangiku, rdgbs, RedOrchid, rosalie, s.kallima, samnkyle, Shaiya, Silje, Stkupprnces, Tati, Thriodien, vjo, wmotero, Wynn Dee13, xristie9
38 |
11.48% |
Bloomin_Aussie, Dstua745, flhiker, fotofashion, Gin, jaxorchidman, jondel, Kelo, lambelkip, Lorraine, Magnus A, Oscarman, palm521, psyc1210, tropterrarium, unhappykat
16 |
4.83% |
300 or more
AJW, Bolero, BruceP, codeplus, CR7cristiano, cricketerry, CTB, Dian Rahardjo, DIGGER, dounoharm, euplusia, fftf1940, Frdemetr, glengary54, goodgollymissmolly, harleymc, ingse, intergeneric, jludlow, JVinOZ, kavanaru, Kevin_PR, Lars Kurth, Leisurely, LLISAHOPE, Mr.Green61, msaar, NIVENJ, Orchidbyte, pheli, Rinaldo Bradtfixe Ignacio, sweetjblue, xavarx7, ZWUM
34 |
10.27% |
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