CONGRATULATIONS TO Izzie, CK Yeo, and help!!
Photo comments are listed in the order that the photos were posted.
Link to the photo entry thread:
#1 - Oncidium Alliance hybrid
great color and good exposure - a different angle might have worked better, with all the flowers against the sky to eliminate the tilted horizon in the background
Nice color saturation.
#2 - Vanda rothschildianum (correct name?)
Great color and focus, but no real focal point- either further away or closer would have
been better
#3 -Oncidium Alliance hybrid
The background is too busy. Using the lines of the background to frame the flowers is nice. It’s slightly out of focus and the spike in the background is distracting.
#4 - Phalaenopsis Taida Sunshine
Nice exposure and angle, but the composition should be centered rather than against the right side of the frame. It could be more pleasing if the spike were coming out of the left side and reaching toward the right. The leaf on the bottom is distracting.
3RD PLACE: Submitted by help 
#5 - Phalaenopsis Noid
The judges would be happy to claim this as theirs. There is good depth of field and sharp focus on the drop in the center of the flower. A lovely photo.
#6 - Phalaenopsis Noid Leaf
Simplicity can be a good thing, but it should be interesting. The stem is a distraction.
#7 - Dendrobium Burana Jade x lasientura (sp?)
The softer focus here is not a distraction and the color is very good. One judge liked the way the background color gradually changes, like a watercolor wash.
#8 - Cirrhopetalum lepidum
The composition is good, but a closer shot would have been better. A tiny crop on the right would get the distracting leaf tip out of the picture. No part of the picture appears in sharp focus.
#9 - Clowesia russellianum
The judges liked this one. The lighting is interesting but it could use more definition. Moving the whole clump to the left so that the dark side is coming out of the frame rather than the perfect centering used could have made the composition more pleasing.
#10 - Howeara Mini Primi
The flowers are the best one judge had ever seen of this plant, but the background is full of distractions particularly the shaft of light across the flower spike. The photo needs attention to the other elements besides the flower.
#11 - Posh and Phalaenopsis Noid
The photo is creative with good exposure and decent composition – However, there is too much black on the left- the photo would have benefitted from more subtle contrast between the light and dark areas. The subject is too far towards the bottom of the frame and the piece of stem at the top should be edited out.
1ST PLACE: Submitted by Izzie 
#12 - Dendrobium Mini Stripes
A very good photo with all of the elements in balance: good lighting, good color and good focus. To improve the composition, the subject could be moved slightly to the right, with the brighter and heavier part of the picture slightly off center.
#13 - Phalaenopsis aphrodite
A very nice picture with the main problem being very shallow depth of field. The closest part of the image should be in focus, but depth of field is difficult to capture well with such a close shot.
#14 - Oncidium papilio
The two-colored background is a distracting even though it is out-of-focus - The off-center shot composition is strange.
All three photos, #15, #16 and #17 are crowded to the top of the picture making them seem unbalanced.
#15 - Paphiopedilum Lawless Tristan
This one seems slightly out of focus but the judges agree it is the best of this group.
The dark line from the fold of the background cloth is distracting.
#16 - Paphiopedilum Cheryl Ann Boyd
This one needs a bit more depth of field and the frame is crowded. One judge finds the symmetry uninteresting.
#17 - Paphiopedilum Mele Star
This one would be better with a bit more contrast to the image.
#18 - Stelis argentata
There is nice detail, but it doesn't "pop out" of the background which is a bit of jumble .The horizontal positioning is odd. It is a little underexposed
#19 - Oncidium Alliance hybrid
The composition here is haphazard and the two-colored background doesn’t contribute.
It looks over saturated.
#20 - Oncidium Alliance hybrid
This one is too busy and the depth of field could be enhanced.
#21 - Phalaenopsis Noid
A good close-up, but the positioning is somewhat off. To have better balance the flower should be coming out of the right side of the frame rather than disappearing into the left side.
The colors look oversaturated.
#22 - Phalaenopsis Zuma’s Pixie
A very good photo with excellent lighting and color- the flowers seem to glow.
#23 - Tolumnia hybrid
This seems a bit unbalanced and the old stem on the right could have been removed or edited out, but it is an attractive picture nonetheless.
2ND PLACE: Submitted by CK Yeo
(welcome to Orchid Board!)
#24 - Phalaenopsis violacea
The soft colors and composition in this shot are very pleasing, and the depth of field is very good. An all around excellent photo.