Originally Posted by Jkelee
Hey everyone! Congrats to the winners!!!!!
Does anyone know Who is #55, here on the OB?
Who sent in the Laelia tenebrosa??
I took this picture
Thanks to all who voted for my picture, you can not be wrong, that’s sure …
I hope, i managed to improve my technique this year. At least i got more votes than last year ... I got now 230 votes !
This my winning picture is not a studio shot, quite the contrary. This picture was taken in my garden under an apple tree. There was a backdrop behind the orchid, but the light is a pure sunlight, coming almost behind the orchid.
I own much better Canon DSLR cameras and prime lenses, but this picture was captured with my cheap digital pocket camera.
So the main issue is not the camera, more important is how you use it, that’s the point.
My advice in nutshell to the next contest.
Take a time and make a good composition. Pay attention to the light. Daylight is always the best alternative.
Avoid distracting backgrounds, i personally hate all kind of disturbing things in pictures. Use backdrop if possible.
Try to take sharp pictures, use a tripod or a firm base.
But first of all, take several shots in different light conditions, so you have better chance to pick up the good ones.
Remember, the light makes the picture always.
Good luck to all.
Having fun in finnish way ...