I came up with an idea for a long-term board project last night while I was talking with Sue, and I'm curious to see if anyone is interested.
My idea is similar to previous board projects, but instead of starting with a blooming size plant, we would grow from flask. I know most people here do not have the room, conditions, or money to each buy a flask, so I would purchase the flasks, establish the seedlings, and send out a mini-compot to each participant. I would sell the seedlings at my cost, I'm not looking for a profit.
I would like to use a Paph for this project for several reasons. Number one, since I could potentially be stuck with a lot of seedlings if people back out, it needs to be something I wouldn't mind raising a lot of. Number two, I have had a very high success rate with Paph flasks, which is good when I'm obligating myself to supply a large number of plants to people. Number three, I know several places for quality Paph flasks, but none for other types. And number four, I like Paphs. A lot.
I will need about six months lead time to establish the flasklings before this project starts, so if there is enough interest I would like to choose the plant within the next month or so and get the flasks ordered.
Ideas, suggestions, or criticism are welcome, so post away.
Mini compot example: