Originally Posted by cb977
Did you do anything special on your vacation, David?
Suzanne...yes I did, as a matter of fact...and one was orchid related that I made a post about earlier.
I bought a new camera on day.
On day 2 I went to the show at the AOS headquarters in Delray Beach...I brought my avatar chid (with 3 spikes) and received my first AM award (this was the post I made) on V. Erika Cizek Dann 'David's Black Pearl' AM/AOS.
I had a guest visiting from up north over the Thanksgiving holiday and we went to Key Largo for 4 days and went snorkeling at some of the reefs there...This was way cool, as I have never done this before.
I went orchid shopping one day...
I hung out and went to the movies...the new James Bond and read a book for fun.
And I spent a whole day in the Fakahatchee taking photos with my new camera (I made a post about this too)
Oh...and I went to a show committee meeting for my local orchid society and was officially hired to be their photographer next March for our show (I'm also doing other things as part of the committee, and putting on an exhibit for the show as well).
So, that's it in a nutshell...and now it's time to get back into my normal routine...whatever that is!?