{{sigh}} I will point this out once again. The issue is not about talking trash about Orchid Board as an entity. It is not about a clash of opinions on differing care or culture or even off topic subjects such as rights, be those rights inalienable or not.
The reason for your infraction, Brian, was posting opinions that are rude, insulting, a personal attack or purposeless inflammatory posts
toward a member or members.
While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.
With that, I'm closing this thread. You, Brian, have had your poll and your chance to debate the subject. Be here or don't be here Brian. But cease and desist with the inflammatory posts directed toward others.
If Subrosa and DCoconuts want to continue their debate, please either start a new thread or contact me and I'll copy the current debate to a new thread.