Hi everyone!

It’s my first post here, so I’m going to add a brief paragraph about me and then ask my question below.
I’m really happy to be part of your community. I’ve been collecting some plants for about 10 years, first in France and now in Montreal, Canada. Since a year and a half I started growing orchids and my collection starts to grow - I now have several Phalaenopsis, several Dendrobiums (nobile types, a variegated Den Phal hybrid) some Oncidiums (twinkles, Colmanara Wildcat ‘bobcat’ - it’s been reclassified from what I’ve heard-) and a Cuitlauzina pendula I’m really excited about. I’m experimenting a bit with my new (intermediate) conditions and with the orchids types I can grow.
My question: So, I just received a plant mail order from TG Orchids: a Dendrobium aphyllum, a Zygonisia cynosure ‘Blue Birds’ and the famous (or should I say the obscure) Coelogyne brachyptera.
As you can see it looks quite healthy (1st picture), and has three pseudobulbs, two of them having dried flower spikes (2nd picture). My question is,
could this brown dried looking sheath on the newest and biggest pseudobulb (3rd picture) be a flower spike emerging?
I couldn’t find any info online, cultural informations are sparse, but I read extensively what I found online on this forum and diverse websites, including Coelogynes.com.
Also, the description of the plant on the merchant’s website says flowers are green with an orange lip (see last picture), but from what I've read, Coelogyne brachyptera has fully green flowers with darker markings on the lip. If you have any idea what this variety/species might be, it’s be great! I will have the surprise when it flowers I guess.
Thank you for reading, any advice is appreciated!