Hi everyone!
It's been a long time since I posted here for the last time.
I think it was four years ago when I bought a Coelogyne cristata with 5-7 bulbs if I'm not mistaken. The thing is that it has become quite big, the first year I only got 1 flower but it has thrived really quickly and has more than 50 bulbs right now. I repotted two years ago because bulbs were getting out of the pot and did not root if there was no soil under them. I repotted in June or so I think, well, just one week before most of the new bulbs were sending out roots. Repotting was not harmful for my plant, in fact, it bloomed from 10 spikes or so next spring.
Anyway, I have a couple of doubts concerning my plant.
The first concerns new bulbs rooting; some of next year bulbs will be hanging out of the pot and I don't feel like repotting it next year so I have thought about using a piece of cloth or something, tie it to the bulbs that are out of the pot and fill it with bark to see if this way the new bulb emmits some roots and I can get a small division of the plant. Do you think that would make a good solution?
The second involves backbulbs. My coelogyne has some leafless bulbs in the centre of it mostly and I am wondering whether cristata can develop new plants frmo backbulbs as Cymbidium do.
I'll upload a couple of photos afterwards so you can see the plant.
That's all, I hope you can help me and excuse me for the possible mistakes or if you can't understand something since English is not my mother tongue.
Edit: here are the photos. They were taken last year, now it is quite bigger but since it has not yet bloomed I won't post any photos of it now.