Didn't know whether to start a new thread or contribute on this one. The spring-blooming Pleione season is so brief....but when it happens, it's magical. I'm keeping track of bloom time on each plant this year but with some hotter temps forecast for this week, that could shorten things. Getting these plants into the high 70's/low 80's at this stage in their growth cycle, no matter how brief, is NOT a good thing! I may have to do some emergency plant shuffling!
Pleione (/ˈplaɪ.əniː/; from the Greek Πληιόνη or Πλειόνη) was an Oceanid nymph in Greek mythology.
She lived in a southern region of Greece called Arcadia, on a mountain named Mount Kyllini. She married Titan Atlas and gave birth to the Hyades, Hyas and the Pleiades. She was also the protectress of sailing.
My first Pleione this year opened on 4/9 and is still blooming without any signs of fading. That is, as of this morning. I did bring all the Pleiones except for one small pot of P. formosana (for experimental reasons) into the house after turning on the heat pump last night. Hoping to avoid damage due to the 80F+ temps forecast for this afternoon. Too many are just initiating root growth on their new shoots to risk killing them with these temps! Some I wouldn't know how to replace! I should be able to put them back outside this weekend.
This may be the last floral spike to open this spring, although I have a recently purchased P. limprichtii that looks promising. This is Pleione Tongariro....purchased this year from Brent & Becky's Bulbs. 5 psbs with almost all showing 2 floral spikes and each spike has 2 flowers. Lots of competition for focus....I'm such a sucky photographer! I'll keep trying for a better shot but this was the best from this weekend.
Yes!!!! The Pleione limprichtii is certainly going to bloom. This weekend showed me an OBVIOUS bud. I'm thrilled.....for a pseudobulb that looked like it was a goner, I never expected 2 growth shoots!