Greetings all, I have a coelogyne "Unchained Melody" that I am totally besotted with, I would buy ten more if I could

. This is now my second year caring for it, shortly after buying it, it put out three new growths before going into its winter rest. During this time it got bright light, no fertiliser, weekly watering and temps down to 3 celsius during the night (it was outside, but protected at night from frost). The bulbs didn't shrivel much, and I got one beautiful spike with many flowers towards the end of winter. When the buds emerged I started watering normally again and I took it inside, where it was warmer. Something that concerned me though is that at the start of spring the whole thing seemed to shrivel up, before putting out no less than 12 new growths! I repotted it into new medium (CHC) and saw that the old roots were in pretty bad shape.
So my question is, have I been handling the winter rest correctly? From all these new growths, I would love to get more than one spike, so should I change anything next winter? Perhaps more water, though I have read somewhere that too fat unshriveled bulbs prevents flowering?