Thank you!!
I live in Canada so I got it from here:
Plant list - Maybe bulbs are easier to ship?
I think I had beginner's luck. I let it dry out to start the dormant period. Then I left it in the fridge for about 3 months. When I got it out, I sank the whole thing in water for 1 hour or so. A few days later I saw the little flower shoot, I re-potted in sponge rock and chopped sphagnum moss, I trimmed the roots down to 1 inch.
Not sure if what I did was the proper way, but I got 2 shoots, one being a flower shoot.
Some pot those in Terrestrial mix and I read they like thinner pots. With the 2 new bulbs coming, I had to put it in a bigger pot tho. I also read some keep it cool in the fridge until they see new shoots ... not sure how new shoots would grow if the main bulb is dormant.