This plant flowers well every year like clockwork and like clockwork it starts shedding its flowers a few days before our show . I have never been able to show it in the 18 years I have had the plant !!
In a few more days all the flowers will be open and it will be a mass of white flowers quite something to see .
The plant is about 650 mm in diameter and is growing in a plastic wash basket ( my wife is still trying to find out what happened to her wash basket )
That's so funny. I recently transplanted my favorite Noid Cattleya from a 12" to 15" hanging container. The extra growing space should be sufficient for 2 years growth, but after that I don't know??? It's hard to find large plant containers that are appropriate for Chids.
Amazing growing this baby is just beautiful !!! How do you grow this one, temperautures and light, I'd appreciate some insight from someone who has it mastered
Amazing growing this baby is just beautiful !!! How do you grow this one, temperautures and light, I'd appreciate some insight from someone who has it mastered
It is a relatively easy plant to grow mine grows in full shade , but the big thing to remember is that it does not enjoy water which is high in salts . Mine also gets a feed of superthrive twice a year in the growing season. When in flower the plant is kept on the dry side or the flowers will spoil . Hope this helps