Steve, are you growing this in a GH or do you grow them outdoors in Hawaii- Love to get one of these, but I grow mine outdoors in S fl. Any other source besides Andy's? Thanks
I grow all my plants outside under the shade of the trees around my house, though when I get my own house (someday!) I plan to set up a shadehouse. As for the source, I got mine from a random vendor at one of our local shows here in town, so I'm not too sure about other sources. Sorry!
I just harvested a pod on Coelogyne usitana this morning. A bit of a shock find as I had looked at the very green pod 4 days earlier and no sign of splitting. I moved it to a higher airflow area of the wardian case and well, this morning found it half open. Luckily I still got more than half the seed.
Pic attached of the pod parent
Pod maturation time is 10 months for anyone pollinating it.