Hi, Im trying to make a Coelogyne Bufordiense flower in deepest darkest Scotland. I was very excited to get a flower spike (I think) about 2 months ago but it doesnt appear to have grown at all since then.
If Im being very honest its not particularly healthy looking after two years of neglect but recently ive been experimenting with growing it under lights and have had an orchid case made to my best guess which is sitting in my living room.
Its getting about 15 hours a day of two 25w t5 HO florescent tubes (3500K and 6500K) through a layer of glass, humidity is between 65 and 72 degrees and the temperature reaches a maximum of 20 degrees in the evening. I had a tiny fan from habistat but it didnt really do anything but dry out the air.
Do I need to concentrate more on getting the temperature down or the humidity up? Should I get another tube with a higher K? Will the plant suffer from the reduced UV through the layer of glass? Is tapwater ok to water it with?
I feel like Im nailing jelly to a wall so if anyone has experience of growing one of these I would really appreciate any advice.
I grow mine here in Hawaii outside where it gets up to about 90F degrees in summer. While I just got it last summer from a friend (so I havn't bloomed it yet), he also grows here in Hawaii outside so I'm thinking that a high of 20C might be a bit chilly.
Thats interesting, the label that came with the plant said 14-18 degrees and cool growing. Ill stop worrying about cooling it down then and concentrate on the humidity, thanks for the info.
Wish I had a garden in Hawaii
Thats interesting, the label that came with the plant said 14-18 degrees and cool growing. Ill stop worrying about cooling it down then and concentrate on the humidity, thanks for the info.
Wish I had a garden in Hawaii