I have had this species for around 10 years, and I find it quite easy to grow. I grow mine on the windowsill, window facing west.
Temperatures in the winter are about 20-23 C at day and 18-19 C during the night. This year it didnt receive any extra light during the winter but it still produced 20 buds from one of the bulbs (just opening now infact

I try to move it outside in the summer, with higher day temperatures and lower night temperatures as a result. (day around 20-28, night 14-19). According to what I´ve read, the humidity should be around 40-60%
The roots are indeed mud brown and the active root tips are beige-red colored, I havent seen any big change in color when they get wet.
I repotted mine in October 2008, and it still flowers, however it has dropped almost all the leaves from the older bulbs (3 yeras and older). But I do believe that I´m just lucky in this case, because from my experience it does not like having the roots disturbed.
Other than that, I really like the species.
Picture of the buds taken last weekend: