coelogyne marmorata or any warm coelogyne growing tips needed
Amazingly little info on the 'net on this species; doesn't sound like too many people grow this one, but giving it a shot here anyway. I think it's a 'warm' variety. I'm guessing, b/c fr what I've read most point out the cool growers and marmorata is never identified as a cool grower so it must (likely) be warm If you are a grower and have a coelogyne and it's 'warm', well, what season does yours bloom? I've heard conflicting things about watering? Should I keep it moist or let it dry out in between. This one is native to the Philippines, I don't know what elevation and elevation is meaningless to me anyway for light requirements & temp b/c its in meters and I have no frame of reference. (I don't know what the h*ll we don't use the metric system when the whole world does and I have to *!&@ convert, but... I digress). I live in TX so I get as much light as I want, and can manipulate the lighting as needed, and this baby will be indoors on a windowsill. Aside: I heard this genus hates repotting and gets sulky about having its roots touched but really hate it's ugly green plastic pot, can't tell if the roots underneath are healthy but don't wanna chance it. So, any info-feedback-comments on this genus/species are welcome