Hello, my friends
If my Coelogyne was getting big, I'm sure now it will become a monster. It has two new growths when, usually, there was only one in late autumn (this year's is growing early).
I know they prefer to be in a basket but that option is out of the equation because I don't have conditions to hang baskets at home.
It is growing laterally and I can't simply use a bigger pot because the medium in the center wouldn't dry as fast as desireable.
So, the option is a wide and flat pot, like the one in the photo. This one is made of clay...in summer it would dry fast (it would need daily waterings, for sure) but I prefer to water more than be seatted watching the medium get dry.
What do you think? Any other options will be welcome!
Some photos...
A photo of the flowers...maybe it convince you to get one...ha, it's fragrant!