The new names come from the reclassification of some of the Cattleyas (such as aurantiaca, skinneri, bowringeana) into a distinct genus, Guarianthe. Doesn't change the cultural advice at all. (After all, the "B" in "Blc" is actually Rhyncholaelia, and under current nomenclature that is the "Rhyn..." part) Rhncholaelia digbyana (and to a lesser extent Rl. glauca) is the source of the floofy, full lips, the "true" Brassavolas such as B. nodosa and their progeny are quite different. (But Rl. dignbyana and glauca did used to be called "Brassavola" and the "B" stuck long after those species were separated out) Oh, and the "L" in most of the Blc's went away too, since the Brazilian Laelias (puprpurata is the biggie) have been reclassified as Cattleya. A good cross-reference is handy... (I LOVE my Orchidwiz.) Still the same plants... We have to go with the science, DNA rules. Like most orchid hobbyists,though, I'm not changing my tags... just have to become bilingual.
Last edited by Roberta; 12-14-2018 at 08:50 PM..