That is a much darker pink than any Slc. Crystelle Smith I have seen. Agree with you, about it having a better color than other Sc. Crystelle Smiths. We have ‘Aileen’ which starts out salmon pink and fades to a light pink. Our color seems washed out compared this one. From the picture this variety fades from that hot pink to a more subtle deep pink, does it fade even more as the blooms age? Ours is big enough now that it stays in bloom most of the time. In fact it has had at least one bloom on it since June of 2017. Does this one bloom multiple times a year? Any fragrance with this one? Good to see that are people are still breeding this favorite and coming new and better varieties.
Selmo - the flowers fade to that lighter shade, then they fall off. I usually get at least one good flush of flowers yearly. I think I detected a little fragrance this year. The color is a little more saturated than in person, since I processed the image for contrast, black point and highlights, but the actual color is accurate. Here is the shot with only lens corrections and sharpening applied: