I have had orchids that have confounded me for years by not blooming. I know most of the usual missing links to success. My SLC ARMONIA SUENOS 'svo' x suncoast sunspots am/aos has me stumped. It was in bloom when I bought it in 2011. NOTHING since? It grows at a average pace but no spike to flower. I have good success record as a grower but I resist heaving it into the trash. Mike
Sometimes a particular plant is tougher to bloom than others of the same cross, and sometimes all of a particular cross are difficult. SLCs in general, don't really fall into that category, so I'd look at some aspect of your culture being "iffy".
Light level?
Watering regimen?
Fertilizer formula, concentration used, and frequency?
I would also look at temperature, having tried with not the best success in growing SLC's in south FLA... I gave up on them just because of the heat. Many sophronitis species are cooler growing plants and inject that cooling requirement to the hybrids.
I believe they have no issues blooming these in cooler temps....
Mike -
Where are you growing this plant? I hope outside (since you are in southern California). Along with light, a day-night and seasonal temperature variation might also be a factor. Most Slc orchids can handle winter night temperatures to near freezing, even lower if dry when they are cold. This one may need that cold shock.