last fall, in my order haul, I got this huge c. dupreana, which fell into 3 was suffering from the shipping and was very dry. so, I cleaned it up, and lo and behold, the big section sent our a sheath promptly! I think it like it here, lol.....I watched and waited and sure enough, here come the buds poking out! turns out to be 3! I set it down on the bench so I could watch it develop. the buds are slim in shape, and on a very long stem. I took off to town and was gone all day, when I got home, that stem had FOLDED OVER! I was sure all was lost.
I gently propped and tied and got it upright. I don't think its broken, the buds seem just to be more than the stem could hold...kicking myself in the butt, as I should have taken precautions! here it is, I hope the buds open!
from the google image, I think it will be a nice blue....I put a piece with new growth on ebay too....dounoharm