Rlc Hsinying Williette '#9'
This is a young-ish plant, and this is his second bloom. The first one was just last September, so I think he will be a twice a year bloomer, which is fun. The first bloom only had two flowers, and there's three on this one. It has another new growth with a sheath that is just hardening off, so maybe I'll have even more flowers soon (the buds seem to start forming on this one several weeks after the growths harden). I don't detect any fragrance. Growths are about 12 inches tall from the base of the rhizome to the tips of the leaves, and the flowers are 4 inches, so I guess you could call it "compact". The flowers are held well spaced on a tall, strong stem which required no staking. I've grown it under a four bulb T5 light fixture since last October, and it has done very well under lights.
Last edited by JScott; 05-29-2018 at 10:15 PM..