Back in January or February, someone (sorry, can't remember who) posted a picture of their Sophronitis cernua. At the time I was in a rage about miniatures (still am) and had to have this one. Well, not one, but two - my theory has always been that an orchid in my care has a 50-50 chance, so I buy two. Well, this is an orchid to put at the top of the "Easy to Grow" list. Mine are under T5s, less than 5-6" from the bulbs, where the leaves can get slightly red-edged, they get about 65% humidity or above, and temperatures between 65 and 90. I water at least twice a day during growth and blooming. One plant now has 2 open blooms with a gob of buds behind, and a second growth that is just showing signs of budding, while the second plant has three new growths, all just starting to show buds. What an absolutely delightful plant this one is!