This does have more than Catts in it. But, the Catts are the main focus.
The Ohia tree had been blown over during a wind storm.
After cutting enough of the upper tree off, the stump's root ball flopped back into place.
Now it is a setting for some of my orchids.

A clump of Arundina graminifolia [Bamboo Orchids] are on the far side of the stump with a single weed Spathoglottis plicata on the near side of the stump.
A Catt maxima sits on top of the stump, while a Lalia purpurata is mounted on the further back Ohia on the RH edge of the photo.
The Bamboo orchids and the Catt maxima

I had been letting the Bamboo Orchids grow unmolested. But, last fall I cut back all the bloomed out plants. It looks to be putting out as many blossoms as before, but looks nicer than having all the old bloomed out dried up ends all through it. As summer progresses the number of open blossoms will increase.
The Catt maxima

It looks good. But, it has only put out one inflorescence so far. If it does like the last season, there'll be more spikes produced as summer progresses.
Lalia purpurata

It did make a seed pod last season. I hope it'll do it again.