Originally Posted by smweaver
Another less-than-kosher (in my opinion) trend I've noticed over the last few years is that many hobbyists are in the habit of naming every plant in their collection (or at least the ones they've bothered to display) with some self-referential designation that implies it's either a select clone or it's won an award.
Example (and I'm using my own name just to make a point): Rhycholaelia digbyana 'Weaver,' which really tells you nothing about the plant--but it implies (at least to me) that there is something noteworthy about the individual plant that makes it stand out from your garden variety digbyana.
If you buy half a dozen plants from, say, Andy's Orchids (or any other vendor), they suddenly don't become clonal varieties that you should have the privilege of slapping your name on as soon as you're done unpacking them from the box they arrived in.
I agree! Most plants don't deserved to be named.