Any links to pdf or docs they at fee comprehensive guides to Cattelayas?
I'm new and have mostly had a history with everyone's beginner orchid, the phaelonopsis. I had one Car-related and don't want to lose it by missing something up. I love in NW Louisiana USA aged it's an indoor plant. Indoor humidity stays relatively high most of the time. My questions are like, do they like cool showers for so many minutes, watering, fertilizing, soil media, etc. So I thought maybe the best way to get most of my answers before I ask in the forum would be to see if there. Is a free PDF or doc, comprehensive guide to Cattelaya culture. I found one on orchids in general from Venamy Orchids and it's very good with most of my general orchid questions. So I was hoping for something similar y'all might recommend? I've already downloaded and read ORCHIDBOARDS documents which are really good for prevention, diagnosing, and curing when possible bacteria, pests and viruses. My only complaint is it relies only on commercial products. It would be awesome to have a natural remedy section. Thank y'all!!