I notice in the 6th picture, on the left, you have an old glass insulator with the tie wire still on it, what's the story with that? I see them every day at work, just thought it was funny you had 1 in the background of your pic
That style is very common around here, especially in Detroit area. Google "mickey mouse glass insulator", those are tough to come by. Can probably find them on ebay or whatever. I'll collect a few different colors of old insulators if anybody wants some, just let me know!
The common ones are easy to find. The colored ones, pinks,reds,etc are harder. I have some very large ceramic ones that make great garden ornaments. In your line of work, I would think collecting unusual ones would be an excellent hobby. Gardeners use them for all kinds of projects. In fact, I gave most of my bushels to a friend who turned them into garden art.
And we have hijacked this thread. Ought to move it to off topic.
Those things are big time collectables around here and sell for good money lol. If you have that kind of access to them (wouldn't get in trouble with work) eBaying them might be a good idea. I used to have a coworker who collected them and she paid good money for some of the colored ones.
I don't mind the hijack. Bob my husband was the surveyor for the Wyoming Highway Dept. so he found those along the highway. There are two there but the one is still on part of the post it was on. You should see his old pop bottle collection. I have a Clicquot Club one in my kitchen window.