Originally Posted by brsucculents
I haven't noticed any scent. I'll have to check tonight. Here's a pic when the flowers first opened.
My goodness that is quite a drastic color change 😱, those kind of flowers are the best in my opinion.
Originally Posted by twinofmunin
I have one! Mine was blooming beautifully on arrival but I think it was cold-damaged; it very quickly dropped its flowers. It seemed to be recovering until this fall, when it dropped almost all of its leaves. :/ Hope it recovers to look as lovely as yours!
Oh no I'm sorry! I placed mine by my bedside right next to my new Himalayan salt lamp (Christmas present from my sister). I loved the scent it put out that I wanted to smell it all night long. Well the flowers quickly faded as well. I was not able to see any kind of color change. It could have been a number of things that caused the flowers to drop and next time I'll not place a blooming orchid near that lamp just to be on the safe side.
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